Social Media Picker

NO. Although you gave Osortoo some autorisations to access your social media account data such as your posts, it doesn’t allow Osortoo to publish on your account. Osortoo has never...
When you use the Social Media Picker, you can use it with multiple social networks: Instagram: Osortoo only supports Instagram News Feed posts. Reels, Stories, Live or IGTV are not...
Yes, you can select multiple posts from the same or different social networks. If you want to make a draw that selects publications from different social networks you will need...
Even if your post on several social networks is identical, they will be counted as different posts.
When you export the comments of your draw participants you get the @name, “comment”, date and time of all participants.
No, you need to have accounts on the different social networks considered as professional to have access to Osortoo. For Instagram, Creator and Business accounts are considered professional accounts.
There is no filter on Osortoo where you can select a winner who is subscribed to your account. The reason is simply that Facebook does not allow us to access...
This tutorial shows you step by step how to remove your Facebook page from Osortoo. As Facebook always change position of everything in their app, a short link to access...
As you can see below you have access to various filters with Osortoo. You can choose the number of winners you want to pick for your Giveaway. You can include...
Whether it’s because your winner doesn’t meet the requirements to enter your contest or because you want to disqualify them, you can re-select one or more new winners at any...