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Picking winners

To pick winners with Social Media Picker log in your Osortoo account and go to the Social Media Picker tab on the menu.

Then choose which picker would you like to use depending on where you have your giveaway Instagram, Facebook or MultiPlatform (picking winners on both platforms at the same time). In this case we will be using the MultiPlatform Giveaway Picker, the principle is the same for the Instagram and Facebook Picker.

Select the Facebook and Instagram pages that you would like to use for this giveaway.

Select the post you would use on Facebook page, and then click the little Instagram icon to go to your Instagram page and select posts there.

Select the post on your Instagram Page and click Continue.

Now you are on the Filters page. Select the number of winners you would like to pick. You are also able to use our Hashtag and Mention filter so only post with a certain @mention or #hashtag will be picked from. Also you can add manually users in the Bonus Entries field. 

After you have selected all the filter click Pick Winner button.

At the next screen you will see how many comments you have and how much winners you would like to pick. If everything is ok continue by pressing Pick Winner, or Cancel if you want to change something in your filters.

Voila, You have your winners!

Scroll down and you will find Osortoo’s Winner Cards. Our Winner Cards are visualized cards with the name of the winner and the winning comment. This way your users will know that you have run a fair game and picked your winners randomly.

Download this cards on the download button and upload them on your social media to announce the winner.

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